February 7 – Exodus 25-27

Good morning!

I don’t know about you, but I would sure benefit from some pictures, drawings, maybe even a how-to video when it comes to the reading today. I don’t do well trying to envision something when just given the text to read. My mind just doesn’t work that way. In fact, I feel a little like I am watching a Charlie Brown cartoon and trying to understand his mom speaking to him: Wawawawa Wawawawa, or however you would spell that… If I have to put something together, I do best if I have some diagrams. Over the past few years, I have discovered the wonderful world of YouTube videos and have used those to tackle some vehicle repairs and projects around the house. Even though we may not be able to envision what the text is saying today, we can still glean some valuable lessons from this Scripture.

I will just lump all three chapters together because they were all similar today. For our 6:33 points, I see that the giving of freewill offerings to the LORD’s work is a way to put Him first. I will write more about this below. For the other point, I would summarize it as doing God’s things God’s way, following His precise instructions. Here again, I thank God for grace and that He looks at the heart. We will never be perfect this side of eternity, but we should give it our all to follow God’s instructions as closely as possible.

As I read about the freewill offerings that the people gave for the building of the Tabernacle, Ark of the Covenant, and everything related, I was reminded of a project we are pursuing at our church. In December, we began an Advent Conspiracy campaign / project that is still going. Advent Conspiracy is a national movement to help believers celebrate Christmas differently by following the four tenets of worshiping fully, giving more, spending less, and loving all. Our goal is to raise $12,000 above our regular tithes to put a new roof on the house that our Camp Director lives in at Prairie View Christian Camp. He spends so much time and energy on taking care of the parts of the camp that benefit others that there is not money or time left to care for the house in which he and his wife live. We have raised close to 2/3 of the money needed and are in the process of gathering the team to go make it happen in April. People are truly giving of their time, treasure, and talent to make this happen, just as they did back in the days of Moses. We are turning this into a full-scale mission trip, and are excited to see what God will to with it.  It’s amazing what happens when we realize God owns it all and we are just stewards.

May you bless God today in the way you work, serve, and give in a 6:33 kind of way!



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I am just an ordinary man pursuing our extraordinary God.

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