February 12 – Exodus 39-40

Good morning!

This has been an incredible weekend. To have the opportunity to bring men into God’s presence in order for them to be healed of anger, grief, shame, and other negative emotions is indescribable.  These are men who range from early twenties to probably 60’s or 70’s. Some have carried some pretty awful stuff for 50 years or more. Some had horrendous childhoods. Some have been grieving for a very long time. In all situations, I saw God bring healing. With some, we were not able to get to everything, but we were able to start the healing process. We will follow up soon.  I am so blessed and privileged to be a part of what God is doing to bring emotional healing, and what God is doing through both the Men’s and Women’s Encounter Ministry. He does the work, and gets all the glory.

The reading today is much like the past few days. They made everything just as the LORD commanded. They finished the work and assembled the place where God would meet with His people, and they did it exactly as He told them to do it. Then, they began to obey Him and move when He said to move and stay put when He told them to stay put. I believe if we have a close relationship with God, He will still guide us today if we will only listen and obey. We must seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness!

Blessings to you today as you follow God!

February 11 – Exodus 36-38

Good morning!

These chapters are very similar to before and to each other. I am rushing to get ready to go to the Encounter, so here we go! Here are the 6:33 points: A) Freewill offerings: The people kept bringing their offerings to the point where they told them they had enough and didn’t need to bring anymore! How amazing would that be!? B) The craftsmen followed God’s instructions precisely, making sure every detail was followed.

Have a very blessed Lord’s Day!

February 10 – Exodus 33-35

Good morning!

I am actually writing this on Thursday evening to post on Saturday morning, as I will be at Men’s Encounter this weekend. Looking forward to seeing these men find freedom in Christ!

Here are the 6:33 points I found in the reading for today: Chapter 33 – A) Humility B) Do not be stiff-necked C) Worship the LORD D) Spend time in God’s presence, seeking and listening E) Praying that God will teach us His ways F) Know God G) Don’t go without God’s blessing. As I look back over this chapter, I can’t help but notice and reflect on the beautiful intimacy and conversation Moses had with God.

Chapter 34 – A) Moses was in the presence of God, once again, on the mountain and bowed to the ground in worship. B) Observe God’s commands. C) Do not make a “treaty” with the world. D) Worship God only. E) Do not have idols. F) Observe the Sabbath G) Fasting H) Give God our first fruits. I) Obey God’s rules and laws.

Chapter 35 – A) Observe the Sabbath B) Once again, give of our treasure, time, and talent. C) Teach others how to do what we do instead of keeping the knowledge and skills to ourselves. This is part of leaving a legacy.

May God bless you today on your 6:33 journey!


February 9 – Exodus 30-32

Good morning!

Here are the 6:33 points that I found in the reading today: Chapter 30 – A) Just as God doesn’t show favoritism between the wealthy and poor, neither should we. B) Once again, obey God’s instructions and do things His way. Chapter 31 – A) God filled Bezalel with His Spirit and with wisdom, understanding, and ability in every craft and gave him helpers to devise artistic designs, to work in gold, silver, and bronze, in cutting stones for setting, and in carving wood, to work in every craft. This was God-given and was to be used for His glory. Whatever gifts and talents God has given us, let us not squander them! B) Observe the Sabbath, for it is holy to you. Chapter 32 – A) Interceding for others. B) Righteous anger. C) Godly leadership, not allowing those we are leading to “get out of control,” as Aaron did. D) Be set apart and have zeal for the LORD, obeying Him, even if it means going against others. E) Repentance

Can you imagine the anger and disgust Moses must have had when he came off the mountain and saw the idolatry and debauchery? He had just spent 40 days fasting and seeking the LORD on the mountain. I’m sure he would have come down the mountain on a spiritual high, and then he and Joshua began to hear the sounds below. It must have been awful to see the chaos that poor leadership had allowed. The Bible said that Aaron had let the people get out of control. It baffles me that Aaron was so quick to do what the people asked him to do in making the golden calf. If it wasn’t so sad, it would almost be humorous that he told Moses, “I threw the gold in the fire and out popped this calf…” This is truly an example of a weak leader who didn’t have His eyes on God. This is really an incredible contrast of a leader who has been in God’s presence and one who has allowed himself to be influenced by the world.

Yesterday, a friend posted an article from the Washington Post on Facebook where a group of “clergy” gathered to bless an abortion clinic where late-term abortions would be performed. These are not godly leaders but false prophets who just want to tickle the ears of their listeners. They have allowed the world to influence them and have not truly been in the Word and in the presence of God or they would know the truth. They are not about the things of God and truly have no idea what it means to seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness… Yes, this brings about it me righteous anger. They are calling good what God has called evil. I will guarantee you that whatever they might have said they did, the abortion clinic is not blessed. I will pray for them. I will pray that God will change hearts and I will pray that he shuts every one of them down, along with Planned Parenthood.

Let us live the 6:33 life and be godly leaders in our homes, workplaces, schools, and wherever we spend our time! Let us also be people who promote LIFE, as Jesus came to give us abundant life.

February 8 – Exodus 28-29

Good morning!  This has been a solemn yet joyous morning as we celebrated the life and promotion of a wonderful woman of God. She is the one I spoke about briefly last week whom Charlie and I went to visit a week ago Monday. I am so glad to have had that time. As I reflect upon her life a word that keeps coming to me is legacy. There are a number of her family members in our church and they have godly, servant hearts. She was spoken of as being a woman of prayer and a woman of the Word. She didn’t shy away from sharing the Gospel and loved the Lord her God with all of her heart, soul, mind, and strength. She also loved her family and enjoyed life. I could say a lot about her, but as I look at her family, I see her story living on. I want that for my family. Long after I’m gone, I would love for my children, grandchildren, great grandchildren, and on down the line loving and serving God with their whole being and making disciples of all nations. I want them to know how much God loves them and how much I love and pray for them. My friend lived out 6:33, and I pray that my legacy reflects Jesus just like her’s.

I know and realize that the reading is beginning to be a little more difficult to follow and to enjoy, but hang in there. This is where a lot of people drop off in their reading plans… and then they will start back over next January with Genesis… I believe this is one of the reasons that reading through the Bible each year (or at least every few years) is important. I want all of God’s Word to cross my mind and heart at least once a year, and if I didn’t do it this way, there would be large parts of Scripture that I would rarely, if ever, read. Reading these Scriptures also remind us of how important the sacrifice of Jesus is. We don’t have to try to follow these laws and instructions to the tee anymore. We don’t have to sacrifice animals and be temporarily washed clean from our sins. We are not perfect in and of ourselves, but have been perfected by the perfect blood of the Lamb and are covered by His righteousness. Along with helping me to understand other Scripture better, reading these passages also makes me more appreciative of grace.

I don’t have a lot of points to share from the reading today, but I do have a few. I will just combine the two chapters. Right from the start, I see how God gave the craftsmen a spirit of wisdom and told them to use their gifts to build and make certain items. Using the gifts God has given us for His glory is a 6:33 trait.  Along with that, fully obeying and following God’s instructions is another trait. Through all of this, God was making Himself known and to know Him is 6:33 at it’s very core.

I don’t have a lot of skill with my hands, especially to make something look nice or pretty. I can use tools to a degree, but it’s more to make something that is functional or to replace a simple part where a broken one existed. I don’t have the skills to understand how things work or the patience to make them look nice. So, with that said, I REALLY appreciate those people who do. I have often thought that too often we relegate the word, smart, to those who succeed academically. However, here is Scripture to back that it takes wisdom to be a craftsman. So, all of you builders, welders, mechanics, plumbers, electricians, and anyone else good at making your minds, hands, and tools work together, I believe God has made you smart, regardless of how your grades were in school. I believe you have been given a wisdom from God to be used for His glory. Sometimes, our education system doesn’t value those smart with their hands, but what in the world would we do without you all? Maybe you are the ones that can’t sit still and just listen. Sometimes, you need to be doing something in order to understand. Self control is a fruit of the Spirit, but I also want to give you the encouragement to go and use that wisdom and those skills that God gave you!

Again, may you bless God with your skills today!


February 7 – Exodus 25-27

Good morning!

I don’t know about you, but I would sure benefit from some pictures, drawings, maybe even a how-to video when it comes to the reading today. I don’t do well trying to envision something when just given the text to read. My mind just doesn’t work that way. In fact, I feel a little like I am watching a Charlie Brown cartoon and trying to understand his mom speaking to him: Wawawawa Wawawawa, or however you would spell that… If I have to put something together, I do best if I have some diagrams. Over the past few years, I have discovered the wonderful world of YouTube videos and have used those to tackle some vehicle repairs and projects around the house. Even though we may not be able to envision what the text is saying today, we can still glean some valuable lessons from this Scripture.

I will just lump all three chapters together because they were all similar today. For our 6:33 points, I see that the giving of freewill offerings to the LORD’s work is a way to put Him first. I will write more about this below. For the other point, I would summarize it as doing God’s things God’s way, following His precise instructions. Here again, I thank God for grace and that He looks at the heart. We will never be perfect this side of eternity, but we should give it our all to follow God’s instructions as closely as possible.

As I read about the freewill offerings that the people gave for the building of the Tabernacle, Ark of the Covenant, and everything related, I was reminded of a project we are pursuing at our church. In December, we began an Advent Conspiracy campaign / project that is still going. Advent Conspiracy is a national movement to help believers celebrate Christmas differently by following the four tenets of worshiping fully, giving more, spending less, and loving all. Our goal is to raise $12,000 above our regular tithes to put a new roof on the house that our Camp Director lives in at Prairie View Christian Camp. He spends so much time and energy on taking care of the parts of the camp that benefit others that there is not money or time left to care for the house in which he and his wife live. We have raised close to 2/3 of the money needed and are in the process of gathering the team to go make it happen in April. People are truly giving of their time, treasure, and talent to make this happen, just as they did back in the days of Moses. We are turning this into a full-scale mission trip, and are excited to see what God will to with it.  It’s amazing what happens when we realize God owns it all and we are just stewards.

May you bless God today in the way you work, serve, and give in a 6:33 kind of way!



February 5 – Exodus 19-21

Good morning!

If you are keeping up with the reading, hopefully by now you have fit it into your daily routine / disciplines. The reading is already part of my disciplines… it’s finding time to do the writing that proves to be a challenge. Super Sunday is proving to be Super Busy!

Here are the 6:33 points: Chapter 19 – A) Carefully listen to God. B) Carefully keep His covenant. Chapter 20 – A) Observing the 10 Commandments 1) Do not have any other gods besides the one true God. 2) Do not make idols or bow down or worship idols. 3) Do not misuse the name of the LORD. 4) Remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy. 5) Honor your father and mother. 6) Do not murder 7) Do not commit adultery. 8) Do not steal. 9) Do not give false testimony. 10) Do not covet what your neighbor has. B) Reverence C) Fear God and do not sin in times of testing. D) Do things God’s way. Chapter 21 – Let me just say that I am so thankful to live under grace instead of the law. Since we are under grace and are of a different time and culture, some of these really don’t apply. However, I will still point out a few things: A) Once again, honor your father and mother. B) Take responsibility for your actions. C) Accept consequences, including paying for damages.

As we are reminded of the 10 Commandments, I am also reminded of what Jesus said is the greatest commandment: Love the LORD your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength and the second is love your neighbor as yourself, later changed to “love your neighbor as I (Jesus) have loved you.” This sums up the 10 commandments. As Jesus would teach in the Sermon on the Mount, it’s not just about murder, but also being angry with your neighbor. It’s not just about adultery, but also about lust. Loving our neighbor as Jesus loved is a heart matter. This is the very core of 6:33 – Love God and love people.

May God bless you today as you love Him heart, soul, mind, and strength and out of that love, love others as Jesus loved!


February 4 – Exodus 16-18

Good morning!

Before I get into the 6:33 points, let’s just say that the grumbling, complaining, disobedience, and refusing to listen to God’s instruction all found in Chapter 16, are NOT on the list. So, with that said, I will not tell how I really feel about “Super Sunday…” 🙂

Here are the points I found: Chapter 16 – A) Being faithful in times of testing. B) Observing the Sabbath.  Chapter 17 – A) Moses interceded for Joshua during battle. B) Aaron and Hur supported Moses so he could help Joshua. C) Moses built an altar and called it, “The LORD is my Banner.” = Worship.  Chapter 18 – A) Moses showed honor to his father-in-law by bowing down. B) Jethro rejoiced over all the good things the LORD had done for Israel. C) Jethro worshiped – He said, “Blessed is the LORD,” and he brought a burnt offering and sacrifices to God. D) Moses was teaching the people God’s statutes and laws. E) Jethro gave wise advice. F) Jethro told Moses to choose men to help him with these character traits: able, God-fearing, trustworthy, and hating bribes. G) Moses listened and applied the wisdom his father-in-law gave him.

My mentor, Dean Trune, has people who intercede for him daily, and he calls them his Moses people. They are the people who told him up in prayer as he travels, speaks, etc… I learned from him, and have gathered my own team of Moses people, as well. In addition, I serve in this capacity for him and another family about to go into campus ministry.  In this battle when are in, intercession is critical. Sometimes we are the one on the battlefield and sometimes we are the one on the mountain. Both roles are important.

May God bless you today as you worship with the body!

February 3 – Exodus 13-15

Good morning!

We have a couple of really busy days with a basketball tournament and other things going on, so I will just keep this short and sweet.

Here are the 6:33 points I found in today’s reading: Chapter 13 – A) Remember what the LORD has done. B) Keep His statutes. C) Tell our children what the LORD has done. D) Moses kept the promise of his forefathers and took Joseph’s bones with them out of Egypt. Side note: Wouldn’t it be so amazing if following the LORD was as obvious as a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night? Just follow the pillar!

Chapter 14 – A) Moses told the people when they became afraid of the Egyptian army that was pursuing them, “Don’t be afraid. Stand firm and see the LORD’s salvation. He will provide for you today; for the Egyptians you see today, you will never see again. The LORD will fight for you; you must be quiet.” This is FAITH. B) Even the Egyptians acknowledged that the LORD was fighting for Israel against Egypt. C) Moses obeyed and continued to do all God told him to do. D) When the people saw the great power that the LORD used against the Egyptians, the people feared the LORD and believed in Him.

Chapter 15 – A) Moses and the Israelites sang a song of worship and exalted Him, giving Him glory and credit. B) Miriam and the women worshiped God with their tambourines, dancing, and singing. C) Carefully obey the LORD your God, D) Do what is right in His eyes E) Pay attention to His commands. F) Keep all His statutes.

I have mentioned before that we are at war, and the key to victory is seeking first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness. Here is a perfect example of the people obeying God and Him fighting for them. Exodus 15:3 says, “The LORD is a warrior, Yahweh is His Name.” When we stand firm in the faith, God fights for us.

Blessings to you today as you stand firm in the faith!

February 2 – Exodus 10-12

Good morning!

Once again, God will go to great lengths to make Himself known. In these chapters, God continued to use His wondrous power to make Himself known to the people of Egypt. Not only that, He tells the Israelites to tell their children of His amazing acts in the future, as well. We can see here how God opposed the proud (Pharaoh) but gave grace to the humble (Moses). I’ve said it before, but it is worth repeating, that humility is a 6:33 trait.

Here are the 6:33 points: Chapter 10: A) Moses and Aaron continue to obey God, though it has to be uncomfortable to keep going back to Pharaoh. B) Pharaoh admitted he had sinned and asked for forgiveness. This would have been a 6:33 trait if it had come from true repentance and not an attempt to manipulate God. C) Moses appealed to God and He removed the locusts.

Chapter 11: A) Because Moses obeyed God, God gave him favor even with the Egyptian people – he was highly regarded. B) Moses had righteous anger because Pharaoh wouldn’t listen to God.

Chapter 12: A) Telling our children what God has done: leaving a legacy. B) The people bowed down and worshiped. C) Obedience – They did just as the LORD had commanded Moses and Aaron. This is stated twice in this chapter.

We see Pharaoh begin to bend and then finally break. After several of the plagues that we’ve read about, we see that Pharaoh wanted to let them go his own way, instead of surrendering to God’s way. We see where he told them they could sacrifice within the land and another time where they could go but not very far away.  During the plague of locusts, he told them only the men could go and not the women and children.  At the same time, during the ninth plague of darkness, he said all the people could go, but the livestock had to stay there. His hard heart wouldn’t allow him to see that God cannot be manipulated and doesn’t make deals. It is not until the final plague, the death of the firstborn that Pharaoh appears to finally break and tells them to all go and worship God, along with their livestock.

I don’t know about you, but there have been times I have thought my way was best. There have been times I wanted to be in control and have things done the way I wanted to do them. When it comes to God, He is always good and always perfect and His ways are always right. We should never doubt Him. We may not understand, but that’s where faith comes in. If I had been Moses or Aaron, I might have begun to question my own sanity to keep going back to Pharaoh so many times. Let’s face it, they knew he at least had the earthly authority to have them killed, but they put fear aside and were obedient to what God was calling them to do. Anyway, my point is, a 6:33 life is one of full obedience. We don’t get to do it our way. This isn’t Burger King. We serve the King of kings and Lord of lords who makes the rules and has our best interest in mind. His way is always best, so we shouldn’t want our own way. We need to stop being control freaks and be surrender freaks. Hey… maybe I just coined a new phrase.

Blessings to each of you as you surrender fully to the King and follow His ways!